Friday, May 4, 2007

chick pea soup

* this is called "milan chick pea soup" on many web pages but when one reads about milanesian (?) cuisine, no such dish is listed. despite its origins, it is delicious.

(1) remove 1/2 pound italian sausage from its casing, brown in a skillet.
(2) add a chopped onion and a chopped head of garlic (sure, all the cloves).
(3) add 1/2 cup (or 2/3 cup to use the whole can) tomato paste.
(4) add 2 cans of chick peas (with the licuid). if you have time but not money,
obviously, cook these yourself in which case i guess you need 4 cups.
i will experiment with this next time.
(5) add 10 oz or so of chicken stock or broth.
(6) add 4-8 oz chopped mushrooms.
(7) add spices: basil, oregano, black pepper.
(8) bring this to a boil, simmer good uncovered 20 minutes.
(9) add one zucchini, in large cubes.
(10) simmer 5-10 minutes.
(11) serve with (whole wheat penne is good) pasta (1/2 cup dry pasta per person)
and parmesan cheese.

this feeds four hungry people and makes 6 cups.


Anonymous said...

"despite its origins" ... is that a slur against the milanese?

huitzilopochtli said...

perhaps i should have said "despite its DUBIOUS origins"... i in no way meant offense to anyone from milan, italy.